At Big Spoon Roasters, two of our ongoing goals are supporting communities in need and minimizing food waste. Through our Community Blend donation program, we can pursue both of these goals at once.
At the beginning and end of each nut butter batch, there’s a small amount of excess nut butter produced. Rather than write it off as food waste, we jar that excess nut butter strategically, combining recipes that pair well together into delicious nut butters we call Community Blends. Some examples of Community Blend pairings include Toasted Coconut Almond Butter + Chocolate Sea Salt Almond Butter, and Carrot Cake Almond & Walnut Butter + Chai Spice Peanut & Almond Butter. These special nut butters cannot be purchased, however. They can only be gifted.
Each month, we donate Community Blend jars to organizations that directly combat food insecurity, like our most recent community partner PORCH Hillsborough. In January 2023, they routed our 75-jar donation to Orange County Middle School Food Pantry. Donations to the food pantry help to support hundreds of families currently experiencing food insecurity.
Reducing food waste has been one of our top priorities since day one, and we love that we get to directly partner with local organizations in support of our mission. To learn more or donate to the Orange County Middle School Food Pantry, click here.