
10th Anniversary

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." - Rumi


big spoon co-founders at a farmer's market table


On January 22nd, 2011, Mark and Megan Overbay offered their first tiny batches of handmade nut butter and nut butter bars in the early morning hours of a local Cyclocross race (see the photo evidence above) - The Counter Culture Cup held at Orange County Speedway. Today, we celebrate ten years since that fateful (very cold!) day and want to express our gratitude for the vital support we've received from our amazing community over the years. Thank you so much - we couldn't do this without you!

To us, celebrating this anniversary means celebrating ten years of dedication to using only the freshest, most sustainable ingredients, ten years of our commitment to offering fulfilling jobs to our local community members that pay living wages and provide robust benefits, and ten years of innovating and working towards our mission: to build a healthier relationship with our planet through delicious, nutritious foods made without compromise.

We sold our products at the Carrboro and Durham farmers’ markets for years, and our first-ever wholesale customer was Durham-based Wine Authorities. Favoring slow growth over the typical "get-big-quick" mentality of startups, we’ve grown one customer at a time to work with more than 700 independent food retailers across the US, Japan, Canada, and the UK.

We'd hoped to mark the occasion with a big party. Of course, those plans are on hold (fingers crossed for the fall of this year), but that doesn't mean we're not celebrating! All month long, we've offered special throwback Thursday sales on certain products, culminating in a final storewide 15% off sale set for Thursday, January 28th.

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