Big Spoon Roasters is a cruelty-free workplace that is committed to environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. A major component of our sustainability efforts is an ongoing zero-waste goal, and at the center of that lies our Community Blend program. Here’s a little more about how it works:
At the beginning and end of each nut butter batch we make, there’s a small amount of excess nut butter produced. Rather than write it off as food waste, we jar that excess nut butter strategically, combining recipes that pair well together (like Peanut Pecan Butter + Chocolate Sea Salt Almond Butter, pictured) into delicious nut butters we call Community Blends. Each month, we donate these Community Blend jars to local nonprofits that combat food insecurity.
Our May 2023 Community Blend partner was the Durham, NC-based Marcus Harris Foundation, which was founded by critically acclaimed poet/author/filmmaker and activist Marcus Harris. The foundation’s primary goal is to assist those in underserved areas through scholarships, grants, and general community support.
The Marcus Harris Foundation supports the local community in many ways including the Neighborfood Express program, which has served upwards of 45,000 individuals through the distribution of free food, clothing, baby supplies, books, and even computers since November 2020. In that time, the foundation distributed 186,000 lbs. of free food and lifted nearly 3,000 individuals out of food insecurity.
Be sure to follow @mhfndtion to stay in the know about all the amazing work they are doing!